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20-09-2013 Voere smontabile ultraleggero


COMFORT - PRECISION - QUALITY CUSTOM RIFLE AND LIGHT IN A BEAUTIFUL MODERN ROBUST For those who want the ultimate realized these Custom Rifles, starting from a base of high-quality rifles Voere LBW LUXUS This system was the prerogative only of expensive rifles, produced by big names dell'archibugeria German, Austrian or English (see Blaser, Pritz system, H & H). The rods are classic steel well made and lids you want the lightweight version is coated in carbon then if someone wants the maximum lightness there is also the replique montre butt of carbon fiber. The safety is in love and disarms striker cursor to maximum security, rapidity and quietness. Custom Engraving on request.\ Swiss Weplica Watches





Marco Rigido New System Arms - Via Mazzini 30 - 13882 Cerrione (BI) Italy 0039 015 671700 info@newsystemarms.com

M.R. NEW System Arms - Inventions - Prototipe Express - Luxury Arms
Costruzione, customizzazione, invenzioni, armi fine e di precisione per caccia, tiro e difesa
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